Big Eyes
is a brand new, unique magazine encouraging you to look closer at life.
Chock-full with all sorts of stimulating material,
we’ll explore different things in every issue, from creativity, travel and
mental health, to careers, body modification and nature.
How Did It Start?
Well, I was fed up of never being about to find
enough high-quality, unique publications to satisfy my hunger for learning
about…well, life stuff!I get majorly excited just thinking about all the things
out there to explore and learn about for, possibly, the very first time. There
are few publications, that I know of at least, which feature creative writing,
craft, life stuff, photography, travel, people and their stories…you get the
But two magazines which greatly inspired my
decision to start up Big Eyes are Oh Comely (
and Frankie. ( I’m so enamoured by Frankie,
that I have even noted down the date it comes into WH Smith in my diary. But Frankie
comes all the way from Australia. I want to see more high quality publications
in WH Smith and other bookstores all across the UK , so creating my own seemed
to be the only way forward.
You might be wondering about the name. Why Big
Eyes? Well, think about what your eyes do when you’re curious. Also, as a
kid, I was frequently teased for wearing glasses, so I decided to turn the
mocking phrase - that used to leave me in tears - into something positive.
Simple as that really.
So, in a nutshell, no issue of Big Eyes
is ever going to be the same. Hopefully you’ll read about something entirely
new to you in every issue, and get something long lasting from picking or
clicking us up.
Oh, if YOU happen to know about any magazines that
you think I might click with, (from anywhere in the world) then please don’t
hesitate to get in touch. We’d love to feature them on the blog.
Cheers and don’t forget to look closer at life.
It’s fucking magnificent.
Katie. (Editor)
Who Is Involved?
Creator and editor: Katie Metcalfe /
Editorial Assistant: Lucy Russell /
Phil Robinson /
Where To Find Us
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